When I started this post I named it I'm a big ole lameo, and that's how the last few days and even this morning felt. These last few days have definitely been a slump. I haven't worked out, I haven't eaten well, I haven't logged on my fitness pal, and I haven't been on here. It's amazing how your choices healthy or not lead to a domino affect. When I am in the habit of eating well, I log what I eat, I hold myself accountable, and I make good choices (which include working out). One little treat leads to another, which leads to me not wanting to log it or write about my day because I am regretting the choices I made that day. Tuesday I was going to run after work, but I ended up running errands instead. Wednesday was just a bad bad day from start to finish and I ended up cleaning my freaking smoothie that spilled ALL over the inside of my tan car.... yeah and it had blackberries so it was a nice purple color. Needless to say after that I was in no mood to run. Still if it's important to you, you make time for it and I should of made time for it.
Anywho I went to my Physical Therapy appointment Tuesday morning and we discovered that I had a lot more going on than just my weak knee. She was watching me walk to evaluate my gate and my foot was all sorts of messed up and she was thinking I was some sort of crazy for going my whole life without noticing it. She was ready to send me to a podiatrist and fill my shoes with all sorts of orthotics, but we realized the real issue was my hips! My Hips were all out of wack and it was making my right leg shorter than my left and it was rotated which was making me run on the outside of my foot. She adjusted my hips and I felt A MILLION times better right away. I think I have my biggest issues worked out, but I still definitely need to get my knee stronger. She gave me 5 exercises to do and told me to do 10 reps of each and I couldn't believe how weak I was! It was nuts in the first exercise all I do is flex my quads and hold for 5 seconds 10 times and by the 7th one my leg was shaking like crazy. Hopefully I'll get these muscles built up soon which will not only be good for my health, but make me looking banging in a swim suit ;-)
Now on to today. I woke up this morning with all intentions of running this morning, but it didn't go as planned. I even made it to the gym, but not much further than that. I got on the treadmill and ran for 2:30 minutes, but I was looking in the mirror and I started limping. So I got off the treadmill hoping that my muscles were just tight so I stretched and got back on the treadmill. I made it another 2:30 minutes and started limping again so I quit... womp womp. Yep that's right I was a big fat quitter this morning. But I packed my running stuff and went for a run outside after work today, and I'm glad I did. I'm not sure if I was limping or not I tried not to pay attention to it because I'm thinking that now it's just a mental thing. When I was done I didn't have any pain in my ankle, outside of my foot, or my knee so I think it went well! And not only was there no pain, but it felt the best of any of my runs so far. I didn't feel like I was going to die till like the last half mile and I think that's mostly because I was already back at my car and I had to take an extra little loop and my brain was thinking I should of just been done when I got to my car.
I went 3.24 miles in 34 minutes so it wasn't my fastest run, but it felt good. When I started running I really wanted to do my first 5k in under 30 minutes, but that is just not going to happen, and I'm ok with that. I am honestly just going to be proud to have done it. Well I'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch if this thing ends up having ANY hills I am going to be out of there in a jiffy! I don't do hills and my run Sunday just confirmed that even little ups and downs kicked my butt and ruined my run. The website said that it was a pretty flat course and they better of been telling the truth! But I'm pretty confident that I am going to make it through, even it is slow, and for the first time this week I am feeling confident that NEXT weekend I will be able to make it through a 4 mile run. I am still feeling a bit nervous about running 4 days a week and doing 13 miles in one week, but we will see what happens! Well I'm off to pack for my weekend because I am going to be one busy girl this weekend! Not only am I going to be running my first 5k, as soon as it's over I will be heading to Denver for a rodeo! I will fill you in on that part of my life in another post ;-) Cheers to it almost being Friday!
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