I have been a freaking terrible blogger these last two weeks, but I promise to be better!!! I have also not been eating so wonderful. I made some DELICOUS brownies for the BF and the girl that helped me study for my math test, so naturally I had to taste test them to make sure they weren't poisonous ;-) And I may or may not of had sonic last night were I tried to make a healthish decision of getting a slush instead of ice cream and then I end up eating about half of the BF's ice cream, whoops.... Good thing today is a new day! The BF is home and mostly settled, aka he threw all his laundry on the floor (he actually sorted it this time) and will take forever to do it till I do it for him. Gotta love man children! We did the truck and horse trailer shuffle that we do every time he comes home/leaves (he takes his trailer and horses to his parents and trades his mom trucks because his dually doesn't fit well in town's like Chicago and DC), and today we get to pick up one of our ponies that he left in Arizona! For the first time since November all my boys will be in the same state :-) Although by Monday that may all change haha! But now that we will have that all figured out my life should calm down and I should be a better blogger! I tried to make it up by having lots of pictures today :-)
I didn't get in much running this week BUT I did go to the gym Monday-Wednesday! Geez I just realized I haven't even posted about spin class yet, I really did suck it up this week! Spin class went pretty well, it was definitely hard and my legs were screaming about 1 minute into it, but it was a good workout. My legs were sore the next day which is always a good sign :-) I was going to go to the muscle endurance class after, but I REALLY needed to go to the grocery store and I figured that if I got myself too sore I wouldn't go to the gym Wednesday, so I headed out after the 45 minute spin class. The instructor was super nice and I always feel bad when I only pop into a class once and don't go back. I made sure to let her know that I really liked her and her class, but that because of my hours I wouldn't be back :-( I'm thinking that I might try and work 1 spin workout into my week though either on Saturdays, or a morning Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. It won't be the same instructor, but I think it's always good to get a little variety in your workouts, and I really felt it in my booty and the outside of my legs which is one of my biggest problem areas. We'll see what next week brings.
Wednesday was a pump circuit class and I REALLY liked it. It wasn't at all what I expected (I thought it was going to be a knock off version of body pump ), but it was a super good workout and honestly my arms are still a little sore! I wish I could make this one every week because I think it is my favorite class so far, but it's at 4:30 so there is no way :-( The normal instructor who teaches it was gone, (the replacement one was a super cute guy so I was a-ok with it!) so I'm not sure if when she is there if it's a little more like body pump or not. It was a super small class there was just me and 2 older ladies. A lot of the exercises that we did were partner ones so I got to do them with the cute trainer which would of been awesome except I make really not awesome faces when I work out! I was trying to not make my super awesome faces, but at the end he even said "I could tell which exercises were hard for you".... Gee thanks stupid face!
After the class I went and got my only run so far in the week in... Eeep!!! I'm super slacking in the running department and I don't like it and I think I am going to die at the Bolder Boulder. I went and ran on a new path that had hills! I was really proud of myself for pushing through it, but I should probably find some bigger hills this week because I hear Bolder Boulder has some super killer hills :-( So while I was out on my run I did my usual not look at my running app and just go. The first half mile sucked and I kept wondering to myself when am I going to start liking running? But I found my "happy pace" and just kept trucking. Since I had never ran on this trail I really had no clue how far I had gone, but my plan was to do between a 4 and 4.5 mile run. I got to a spot where I figured that I was at about 2 miles so I looked at my app and it saw it said over 2 miles, so I went holy shit I guess I was in the zone and didn't realize I better turn around. I turned around and then I went HOLY SHIT my phone said 17 minutes!!! And I started having an OMG I'm super fast today I just ran 8 minute mile moment!!! And then I went wait a second... I pulled up my app again and realized it was saying I had gone 2.7 miles in just over 17 minutes.... Yeah we all know that's not true! This girl has never and most likely will never run a 6 minute mile yet alone 3 of them! So my phone had obviously had a freak out, but I had already turned around so I just kept running back and trying to figure out how off my phone was. I felt like I was keeping a pretty fast pace, so I just kept trying to keep it up and hoping that my phone was only like a half mile off. I got back to my car and stretched and tried to figure out the madness on my phone. Basically I think it added about an extra mile to my run. So it says I did 4.32 miles in 34 minutes and I think I did about 3.3 or 3.4 in 34 minutes. It says I did the first mile in 1:48 whoop whoop go me! Since I don't have jet packs we all know that isn't true, but I probably did between .15 and .2 miles in that time, so that's why I think I went about 3.4 miles. I was bummed that I ended up doing a shorter run than I wanted, BUT my time was back up towards the 6.0 mph which makes me happy. When I first realized that I was feeling kinda bummed because I really felt like I was working hard through the whole run and keeping my pace up and I expected to see a faster time. But I realized that my other runs in the last month had been between 5.2 and 5.7 I should be happy with that gain ESPECIALLY since this run included some hills.
I think today I will go out for a 5 mile run and just find a happy pace to get through the distance. I think it is good to have 1 shorter run where I push the pace a week, because hopefully that will help me get my pace up over the longer runs too. I am slowly starting to come up with my own training schedule that works for me, which is nice but I definitely need to work on my consistency and getting my miles in every week! It's been fun getting in the classes every week and I wish there was a way to get in a strength class 2 other days a week, but with the class schedule offered it just doesn't work. There's one on Saturday I would like to start going to, but it's at 2pm which is smack dab in the middle of the day! It's hard to plan around it, and it sounds stupid but I don't want to have to change into workout stuff twice a day. I would like to get my run (or maybe the spin class) in and then do my strength work out, but it is going to be WAY too hot for me soon to be running at 2 pm and the spin class is at 9. I'm thinking that I may just start doing my own workout two mornings a week and on Saturdays either with my Nike Fit Club, or in the weight room at the gym. I know plenty to make my own workouts I just like the accountability of the classes.
Thursday I was supposed to go to boot camp, but instead I took a nap and was super grouchy when the BF woke me up to go to the class, and then I got up 15 minutes later anyway :-( I debated going for a run, but decided to make brownies instead and it started storming super bad anyways so I wouldn't of gotten more than like a 10 or 15 minute run in.... and yesterday I went with the BF on the truck/trailer shuffle instead of going for a run womp womp.... yep I sucked it up big time!
After my run Wednesday I headed to kohls because my friend said they were having a big sale on work out clothes. I headed there and tried on some, but wasn't a huge fan of much that they had left in my size. I did end up buying some soffee shorts that are blue with pink polka dots and really cute to wear around the house (no picture included because I do not have the legs to wear these shorts hence why they are "house" shorts) and a work out tee that is super soft, it's boring though so there aren't any pictures of it either. While I was there I did try on some pants and shorts though, so enter all my pictures I promised! (Yes I know my hair looks cray and that my face is a hot mess remember it was right after working out outside when it was hot!0

I REALLY want a pair of lace shorts so I tried these puppies on in 3 out of the 4 colors they had them in the pink ones were probably my least favorite of all 3
The black ones were ok, and this was probably the most flattering view of me in shorts
The cream colored ones were my favorite although this is probably the worst view! I ended up not getting any of them because I just felt like my legs looked a little too monsterous in them, plus it kinda had a funky waste ban I wasn't too sure about... seriously though does my butt always look like that?!?!

I really want another pair of capri leggings for working out, but I was feeling like these made my thighs look super thunderous so I didn't get them
I also REALLY want a pair of white capris! I have a pair of jean ones from this company and really like them, but I felt like in the colored jeans the material was a little too thin and that you could see all my cellulite through the pants... I don't know they don't look as bad in this picture as I remember I might have to go try them again
I also REALLY want a pair of coral and mint capris (they didn't have mint in my size) but then I try them on and I look like this and I remember why I don't have any... sigh maybe one day my thunder thighs will go away and I will be able to wear colored jeans
Tomorrow I will share updated measurements and progress photos! I am off to get the BF out of bed and figure out a plan for the rest of the day, WHICH WILL INCLUDE A 5 MILE RUN!!!! I'm not letting myself skip out on it today! Oh and to try and find the THREE pairs of white shorts I can't find! I pulled out all my summer clothes this week and they are all MIA seriously where did they go?!!? I must of put them somewhere "safe" so they would stay clean, love when I do stuff like that! Happy Saturday!
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