One day I am going to get my shit together and do Skinny Meg's Workout Wednesday link-up, but that is obviously not today! I am still in catch up mode since I missed so many days of blogging. My biggest thing is that I got my butt out of bed AGAIN at 4:45 Yesterday and went to the Butts and Guts class!! I was pretty dang proud of myself. I laid in bed thinking that it really would be better to run before my class, and that I should just go back to sleep and go to the 7:00 one. BUT I didn't do that! I knew if I went back to sleep I would not be getting out of bed in 45 minutes so I just quit being a lameo pants and just did it! And it was definitely worth it, I'm feeling the affects today for sure! I'm really starting to like going to the classes (yes I know I've only been to 2, well and one other random one 2 weeks before these two) I can tell they are making me stronger and really helping me build muscle. While waiting for my pokey puppy outside I was examining my calves, and notice that they are definitely getting more defined! There is a whole other muscle starting to show up there that I have never seen before. I still have a long ways to go, but I know feel like with these classes I might finally get there!
Not only did I get up and go to my class, but after I went to the park and busted out 4.5 miles! Yep that's my longest run to date! I'm definitely behind on my training plan so I am going to have to improvise to be ready for the Bolder Boulder My plan for the rest of the week was to do a speed treadmill workout tonight, 4.5 miles Thursday, and 5 miles Friday. But then life happened and I didn't get up to do my workout this morning because I rationalized that I had to be to work early so I couldn't go to yoga so I should sleep since it's the only day this week I can really do that. This was a fine and dandy idea except that I have a SHIT TON of stuff to do and my house looks like a bomb exploded. I have a really super important math test I have to take by this weekend and I procrastinated studying so I am going to spend my night doing that, cleaning, and actually cooking dinner since I have been eating tortilla soup for a week. I'm disappointed I'm not getting my workout in tonight, but sometimes that's just how it goes!
Even though yesterday was my longest run to date, it was a really weird run... Also for the first time ever I had to stop in the middle of it. My ankles were really bothering me and were feeling "tired" I guess is the best way to describe it. I'm really not sure what is up with that since it is the first time it has ever happened! I stopped at about mile 1.75 and spent about 2 and a half minutes stretching out my right ankle. At the time it was the only one bothering me, but by mile 3 they were both feeling that way. I'm not sure if it's because I rolled them a little bit while I was running at the fast and furriest, or if it's from the chiropractor adjusting them. I'm thinking that maybe since now they have been adjusted and everything is moved around different muscles are having to work that weren't before? I don't know, but my chiropractor said that it's very possible.
Other than my ankles I felt pretty good for most the run. In the beginning my legs were a little tired from the beating they had just gotten at Butts and Guts, but they got over it by the end of the first mile. When my ankle was hurting I almost talked myself into only doing a 3 mile run, but I really wanted to push myself and do it! I kept telling myself you made this commitment to yourself now do it! I was really proud of myself when I got done. I realized while I was running, that that's the thing about running you continually get to make yourself proud. I get to keep proving to myself that I can do things that I never thought I would be able to do. I HAVE NEVER BEEN A RUNNER! Even though I played sports I never thought of myself as athletic, I still don't, but even so I can almost run 5 mles! I never in my wildest dreams would of imagined that some day I would be able to run even 2 miles, but here I am and it's truly awesome! While having these thoughts I was also thinking about my half marathon, and how that really is the ultimate thing to prove to myself. I couldn't image how it would feel to cross the finish line and to be able to say I proved to myself that I could run 13.1 miles! I still want to have that moment, but I still haven't decided if it will happen this year or not.
I found a BUNCH of races that I really want to do this summer. They are all only 5k's, but they are fun ones and I want running to stay fun. I also still want to work on getting in overall better shape. I really feel like if I were already in shape, and already a "runner" it would work a lot better, than trying to get into running while trying to train for a half marathon... but I still really want to prove to myself that I can reach this ultimate goal. I think it is still an obtainable goal, but I am worried it will burn me out on running and it won't be a fun experience for me... who knows some day I will make up my mind! The races that I want to do are a night race where they cover you in glow paint, foam fest which is another obstacle course, drenched which is pretty much like it sounds you run through a bunch of water obstacles and there is a huge water fight at the end, and insanity mud run which is well a mud run. I think there were some others, but I lost my little sticky note that I had them written on :-( I also would really like to try a trail run, but I don't have a specific one picked out. My plan so far is just to keep winging it and see how if works out! If I can keep running fun AND train for my half marathon then I am all for it, but I don't think I am willing to give up the fun aspect of it just to meet my half marathon goal. Oh plus I need to keep up my other fitness aspects so I can actually wear shorts and a swim suit this summer!
This post is a mumble jumble mess partly because I'm scatter brained and partly because I started it this morning and ran out of time so I'm finishing it tonight. I apologize! Anyways my run yesterday broke down like this:
Total Distance: 4.5 miles on the dot
Total Time: 49:31, but I spent approximately 2:30 minutes of that taking a break stretching my ankle... so I feel like that is a win and I am getting faster! I don't know if that's fair to compare though since I got a little break I guess we will see how tomorrows run goes
Average pace: 5.4 mph with my pit stop
Average Mile time: 11:00 minutes on the dot with the pit stop
Mile 1: 10:36 5.7 mph
Mile 2 (mile my pit stop was): 12:46 (so without the stop about 10:15ish) pace 4.7mph
Mile 3: 10:27 pace 5.7mph
Mile 4: 10:50 pace 5.5 (I was definitely feeling tired this mile and wanting to take the short way to my car)
last .5 mile: 4:49 pace 6.2 mph
My slowest half mile split was from mile 3 to 3.5 (disregarding the pit stop one), my pace dropped down to 5.3. I'm not really sure why, I'm thinking maybe that was where both my ankles were really hurting? Who knows!!
Anyways now that I have a ridiculously long post all about running it's time to get to the terrible hair cut. So while my mom and I were in Colorado for the weekend my little monster went to the kennel. He has been there a few other times and normally he has a pretty good time and he gets spoiled the whole time he is there. While he was there I decided it was far past time for him to get a hair cut. I'm not sure WHY but no one seems to either A) listen or B) be able to give him a good hair cut. This is his 4th hair cut since August. I have taken him to TWO different places and both of them shave him completely. The first time I about died because it was the beginning of October and it had just SNOWED and I had only asked for them to trim his face hair out of his eyes. I was in some serious shock and we have never been back. That was by and far the worst of the four hair cuts he has gotten. The other two were also not good, but they were better than the first. So when I dropped off this time I gave specific instructions. I wanted his body shaved because he's getting hot and it's time for a summer hair cut, BUT I specifically told them I want his face hair left LONG!!! I even then want on to specify that I wanted the Yorkie (he's a Morkie half Yorkie Half Maltese)) teddy bear cut... This is what I saw when I picked him up.

It took about 30 tries to get this picture he is so embarrassed he won't let me take any pictures of him...
Well long random post over! I promise I will be back on track tomorrow now that I am all caught up, but now I'm off to make the dinner I should of been making while I was typing this post eek!
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