I just got out of bed at 4:05 in the morning who am I right now?!?!?! I had planned on getting up at about 5:45 to go get a run in and then do the 7:00 tighten and tone class, but I decided now I am going to do the 5:30 butts and guts class and then do my run after. On Tuesday I woke up at about this same time, but then I went back to sleep and when 5:45 rolled around I was practically in a coma so there was no getting me out of bed. After that I told myself if it happened again I would just get up, so I did! I almost immediately regretted the decision though. I took the little monster outside to potty and he took FOREVER, and it's only 9 degrees outside, and the feels like temp is -6... ARE YOU KIDDING ME MOTHER NATURE!!! Yeah that's a record if your wondering....
Anyways since my crazy ass is out of bed ridiculously early I thought I would get my blog post in while I drink my coffee. Yesterday I had a mini temper tantrum at the gym (this is why I like working out just me myself and I). I ran a little over a mile and then I decided this sucks, and I had already chanted I hate running like 1,632 times to myself so there was no way I was going to make it another 3 miles. Maybe I have ADD I don't know, but there is no way I can just stare at the same nothing for 45 minutes and run, I don't know what's wrong with me. So I decided I would try the interval button... Maybe I'm just treadmill inept, or maybe our treadmill is just stupid, but it did nothing! The incline went up a tiniest bit and then it had me walking at 1 mph and the little dots on the screen were at the easy point. I figured that while the little dots were at the low part it would have me walk slow, but when the dots spiked it would have me run... I was wrong! I get through the 2 minutes of walking 1 mph and the dots spike up to where your supposed to be exerting yourself and nothing happens. I'm still cruising along at 1 mph.
So my temper tantrum got worse. I think my thoughts went something like this stupid freaking thing!! What the hell?!?!?! Why am I even here??? I hate running!!! I almost left, but then I decided I should do SOMETHING since I was already there. So I turned the incline up and walked at 4.0 for about 30 seconds and then my temper tantrum continued..... BUT then I did something productive with my temper tantrum anger. I ran! One of my favorite songs came on and all the sudden I just wanted to sprint to get over this stupid frustration, so I did. I turned the speed up to 7.0 and was like I'm just going to run till I can't run anymore. So I started running and I wanted to go faster and faster. I turned it up to about 8.5 and ran till I thought I wasn't going to be able to breathe (about a minute lets be honest here), and then back down to 7.0. I kept going up and down up and down, but never below 7.0 I ran .5 of a mile and decided to take a break. I stepped off the treadmill to go outside and cool off and immediately thought I was going to hurt. Sister is not in very good shape! And I probably shouldn't of eaten that pb and English muffin so close to my workout.
Just hanging out in a snow storm
Once I no longer felt like the surface of the sun, or like I was going to hurl I went back in and did it again. For the first time since I started running I felt really good after my run. I felt like I had really worked hard and pushed myself. I did some stretching and then did some ab workouts. After I finished my abs I thought I feel really good I should run another mile, seriously who am I right now?!?!? And I totally would of, but I had already been at the gym 7 minutes longer than I was supposed to of been... whoopsies. So after that workout I am leaning towards not "training" anymore. I just want to get in a good work out, that's going to get me in shape and that I can ENJOY. I'm not going to totally rule it out till after the Bolder Boulder, but I am definitely not going to stress the runs as much as I have been. I still want to get in a 3/4 mile run 2/3 times a week and a longer run on weekends, BUT if it's cold and miserable outside (like it seems like it's going to be forever) then I'm going to do something different because me and mister treadmill just don't get along. Today I am thinking I will once again TRY to go 4 miles, but every 5 minutes I am going to up the speed to 7.0 for a minute, maybe that will be enough to keep be interested for more than 10 minutes! Wish me luck!
All bundled up

And a scale picture from the chiropractor... I had on a sweater and pretty heavy dress pants so I'm thinking I'm still in the 112-113 range
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